SSNH wrote:so one of the rules you are proposing is soley to keep a 13-15 year old car competititve?
Using that mentality, the same could also be said about a different car if the original rule proposal was accepted. Grouping a 1.6 Sentra in the same class as a Sentra SE-R does not seem right. As proven in SPC many times, a well sorted Miata is no match for a well-sorted SE-R. Both, by the way, are 12-15 year old cars.
Kevin, thanks for the consideration of the current SSC and ST4 classed cars. I do appreciate your thoughts on altering the proposal, but I can't agree with making changes because 'the 1.6 guys have been vocal'. Rule changes should be adopted to achieve fairness and competition for the benefit of the club and its members. Along those lines, if a change must be made, I would choose the rule as you initially proposed it. To group the 1.8 Miatas in the "new" SSB is simply not fair. I would even go a step further and add ALL 1.8 Miatas (except the MazdaSpeed MX-5) into SSC.
It just seems to me - and the other competitors in SSC/ST4 and SSB/ST3, that the current classification (for those classes) is working. Who in these classes is complaining? Why should these classes be rearranged if they are working? Is it impossible to 'fix' the higher classes without changing these?
Earlier in this thread, a point was made that the intent of the rule change is to balance the number of cars that show up to time trial in a given class. If that is the goal, then please consider the following, which is based on this season.
In the classes effected by this rule change, most actually end up having fewer competitors, while one grows by 350%:
Code: Select all
Cars Cars Effect of # of cars # of cars Effect of
Class in Class in Class Class >1 event >1 event Class
CURRENT NEW Changes Current NEW Changes
====== ======== ======== ======== ========= ========= =========
FP 3 3 0 3 3 0
PA 6 6 0 3 3 0
PB 5 5 0 0 0 0
PC 9 9 0 5 5 0
SPA 17 17 0 7 7 0
SPB 13 13 0 9 9 0
SPC 18 18 0 9 9 0
STGT 12 12 0 6 6 0
ST1 16 14 -2 7 5 -2
ST2 16 6 -10 10 6 -4
ST3 18 12 -6 12 6 -6
ST4 5 23 +18 5 17 +12
SSU 7 7 0 4 4 0
SSGT 10 6 -4 2 2 0
SSA 5 5 0 4 0 -4
SSB 9 5 -4 5 5 0
SSC 3 11 +8 1 5 +4
In an effort to show what 'usually' shows up to events, the three columns to the right ignore competitors who have only time trialed once this year. For example, in SSGT, there are 10 competitors, but only 2 have time trialed more than once this season.
With the rule change, the number of ST3 competitors gets cut in half, from 12 to 6. ST4 more than triples from 5 to 17 competitors. SSA goes from 4 cars to 0, and 2 other classes LOSE competitors as well.
Earlier is was said that SSC and ST4 are a waste of class. Given that the new proposal leaves 0 cars in SSA, only 2 cars in SSGT, and only 4 in SSU, (whereas ST4 is 'wasted with 'only' 5) are those classes being wasted? Should they be combined? Does this mean that these competitors want a class of their own? No, No, and absolutely not. To imply any differently would be nothing more than a petty insult to those club members.
Kevin, I know you have the club's best interest in mind, and I thank you for it. The fact that some members (including myself) disagree with a part of your proposal does not mean that we are being self-serving or that we do not appreciate the considerable time and effort you have put into your proposal. That said, I also have the club's best interest in mind and believe we would take a step forward on the upper class structure at the expense of taking a step backward in the lower classes.
We just have a different opinion on how these classes should be constructed, but I welcome the ongoing discussion!
