My folks are hosting a rally this weekend in CT. for the Nutmeg Miata
Club and I thought COM members might be interested. Here are the details:
This low pressure rally runs along the beautiful Connecticut River, on
back roads and a bit of highway, with views of the river through forests,
old towns, fabulous mansions, creeks and streams, and farms and
horses. It will run rain or shine on May 20th, starting and ending in Middletown.
The prime rules will be to have fun, safely, and to enjoy the scenery. .
The object is to run the planned course, achieve a given average speed,
and answer a series of questions that can be answered only if you are
at the right place like "What's playing at the theater at First Street and
Main?" When there, record the answer. Participants will receive 10
points for each correct answer. There are 16 questions and no tricks.
Participants will also receive points for finishing within a time band. If a
participant is within +/- 10 minutes of this time he or she gains 50 points.
If anyone finishes out of this time band, they will loose points. Finishing
on the early side of the band costs two points per minute. Finishing late
costs 1 point per minute (so it pays to slow down).
There is a 15 minute rest stop built into the instructions. Participants may
take the time in one gulp of 15 minutes or 3 stops of 5 minutes, etc.
As is usual, the final destination can be found in two ways: by running the
course, or opening an escape envelope. If a participant opens the escape
envelope, they loose all time points, but correct answers still count.
GPS, maps, stop watches, computers, and anything other aids are OK;
recommended minimum: clip board and pencils.
The rally starts at 9:45 at the parking lot of Metro Square (the Destinta
Movie Theater is located there) in Middletown, CT. From Main Street and
route 66 in Middletown, go south on Main St. At the 3rd light, turn left and
enter the parking lot on the right just past Liberty Bank. Please come early to aid in sequencing.
Please call Ted or Ann Gordon for more information (860 434 8608).
Event Location: Middletown, Ct
Nutmeg Miata Club Rally This Sunday
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