Test Drive Mazda Speed3

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Test Drive Mazda Speed3

Post by chaos4NH » Tue Nov 07, 2006 11:16 pm

I had a call from Grappone Mazda in Concord telling me they had an unclaimed Speed3 that just came in. But, it was the wrong color, so I begged off. Today, I was passing through Concord and decided, what the heck, I'll take a look at it anyway. Nope, it is kind of an ugly black and I knew I'd kick myself for not waiting for a red one. BUT, I sweet talked the salesman (and his boss) into a short drive. :shock:
WOW! The dreaded torque steer is there in 1st and 2nd, but just as it seems on the edge of extreme, the computer smooths it away. Then into 3d and hold on! At that point I almost gave in and drove off with the black one, especially when they offered me the "partnership" discount that I would get as a Honeywell (Fram, Autolite, Bendix, Prestone, etc.) employee. As we exited I89 at Clinton St after just a 4 mile drive, I asked the salesman what the normal route was from there. He replied they usually take a right on to a small back road, but that it wouldn't be much of a challenge for the Speed3... :twisted: ...so, I pulled back onto I89, very smartly up the on ramp, and let it out. 140 in a blink, then tested the great brakes as we got into the 330PM traffic at the end of I89.
The great torque curve makes the use of 5th and 6th actually real!. The darned thing just plain pulls hard! Take a drive up to Concord and check this beast out (if you can finagle a ride, that is!). :D
See ya all at LRP, with the Sentra :P
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Post by rajito » Tue Nov 07, 2006 11:52 pm

What in holy hell are you doing going 140mph on a public interstate? Don't you know the correct place for such antics is in school zones?

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Post by chaos4NH » Wed Nov 08, 2006 12:19 am

ya ya, I know, but the poor saleman hadn't ridden in a Speed 3 yet...and probably never will again!! :D
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Re: Test Drive Mazda Speed3

Post by jeffreystrong » Mon Nov 13, 2006 5:27 pm

chaos4NH wrote: ...so, I pulled back onto I89, very smartly up the on ramp, and let it out. 140 in a blink
:shock: :roll:

There's a place for that... and a public roads isn't it.

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Re: Test Drive Mazda Speed3

Post by BrakeL8r » Mon Nov 13, 2006 6:29 pm

jeffreystrong wrote:
chaos4NH wrote: ...so, I pulled back onto I89, very smartly up the on ramp, and let it out. 140 in a blink
:shock: :roll:

There's a place for that... and a public roads isn't it.
I can attest to that. I got pulled over for doing considerably more than 65mph in a 65mph zone, and it was deemed Reckless Driving even though there wasn't another car to be seen for miles. No alcohol or drugs, just a very high rate of speed. Now, thanks to that charge, I cannot get into Canada until 2009. No Mosport, Mont Tremblant, Calabogie, Shannonville, ... :(

p.s. Before anyone asks, yes, I had a lawyer investigate this, and its very real. Canada has very strict immigration laws for entrance (even temporary) into their country.

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Re: Test Drive Mazda Speed3

Post by enjoythemusic » Tue Nov 14, 2006 8:00 am

jeffreystrong wrote:
chaos4NH wrote: ...so, I pulled back onto I89, very smartly up the on ramp, and let it out. 140 in a blink
:shock: :roll:
There's a place for that... and a public roads isn't it.
Amen!!! i'd yank his Com license for that, but that is just me. Ok, in my youth did stupid stuff, though am a touch wiser nowadays.
Enjoy the Track,

Steven R.

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Re: Test Drive Mazda Speed3

Post by jeffreystrong » Tue Nov 14, 2006 1:33 pm

I wouldn't suggest hanking a COM license. Don't shun this person, educate them. Education of the potentional of their actions is critical. If they can't be educated then our fine COM instructors will surely show them the way out.

I can understand the need for speed, I also made similiar mistakes on public roads. Fortunately I found my way to the track, and had my first on track incident at NHIS on a motorcycle almost 15 years ago. Changed the way I road and drive on public streets from that point on. Had a similiar accident happened on a public road, I likely would have hit a curb, maybe a pedestrian, a boulder, a guard rail, a tree. I certaily would have suffered more than a separated shoulder, and might have injuried/killed someone else along the way.

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Re: Test Drive Mazda Speed3

Post by enjoythemusic » Tue Nov 14, 2006 2:25 pm

jeffreystrong wrote:I wouldn't suggest hanking a COM license. Don't shun this person, educate them. Education of the potential of their actions is critical. If they can't be educated then our fine COM instructors will surely show them the way out.
You are right. Sorry to have shot off, though having been on both sides of that coin... with experience (and age) comes wisdom. Yes, have lost my license due to excessive speed. In court the speeding ticket was thrown out, though within 30 days they decided to file a reckless charge... and they won. This was years ago.
I can understand the need for speed, I also made similar mistakes on public roads. Fortunately I found my way to the track, and had my first on track incident at NHIS on a motorcycle almost 15 years ago. Changed the way I road and drive on public streets from that point on...
Ditto, the more track experience the more i realize the roads are filled with people you REALLY need to be careful of so keep driving in check. One of my instructors said to me, "The track is for honing your driving skills, public roads are about social skills."
Enjoy the Track,

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Post by chaos4NH » Tue Nov 14, 2006 9:36 pm

It is indeed a pleasure to be in the company of the righteous. While you all relate your loss of licenses, crashes, etc., it can be said I have never lost a license, nor had a reportable accident on public roads.

You guys should really drive with more care.
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Post by enjoythemusic » Wed Nov 15, 2006 3:02 am

chaos4NH wrote:It is indeed a pleasure to be in the company of the righteous. While you all relate your loss of licenses, crashes, etc., it can be said I have never lost a license, nor had a reportable accident on public roads.
Am trying to help you by showing that yes i did VERY STUPID things and no, no longer do them. You doing 140mph on public roads is less than wise and posting it on a discussion board also shows you do not care about the various law enforcement individuals who may be viewing this board. Think about that one.

In life it may be best, and less costly, to learn from others' mistakes. BTW, love how you say "reportable accident," care to explain what accidents you have been in?
You guys should really drive with more care.
To quote some guy you probably know quite well, "It is indeed a pleasure to be in the company of the righteous."
Enjoy the Track,

Steven R.

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Post by rajito » Wed Nov 15, 2006 11:06 am

You guys should stop bickering and settle it with a splendid little street race, 2F2F style - racing for pinks. Fresh Pond/Storrow Drive's a great place to do it. Lemme know when you're doing it so I can follow with a chase cam.

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Post by chaos4NH » Wed Nov 15, 2006 12:55 pm

Yep, it was a dumb thing to do. :oops:
To all police men/women monitoring this forum: My actions in no way reflect the actions of the rest of this club. They all drive within the speed limits at all times, Raj included, lest you take his jest seriously.
To club members: my apologies for any reflections on your personal driving habits.
'Nuf said.
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Post by DanDarcy » Wed Nov 15, 2006 1:44 pm

Maybe you missread the speedo and were reading KPH instead of MPH. :oops:

But who amoung us has not exceded the speed limit ? I have been driving for a long time and only have one speeding ticket in 1967. I have done some crazy things, i've even seen over 170 mph on a motorcycle. There are places where you can do this kind of speed and only endanger your self. Rt. 89 could be one of those places (I'm not from that area). Give the guy a break .

Raj. If you make the dvd maybe we could market on the internet :?

Chaos4 enjoy your new Mazada Speed3
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Post by enjoythemusic » Fri Nov 17, 2006 8:45 am

rajito wrote:You guys should stop bickering and settle it with a splendid little street race, 2F2F style - racing for pinks.8)
2F2F? Wow, i felt you DO NOT want to slide a car to achieve faster lap times. Hmm.. pink slips... do you realize a Formula Continental will be in my stable for choice of track vehicles?

chaos4NH, have been where you are. Please enjoy the car and only want the very best for you. The Mazda 3 should be a great car and may it bring you many years of driving bliss. Am sure it was fun going to 130mph, exciting...

My comments are out of care for your well being, and those of innocent drivers who share the public roads with you. Many of us have heard about drunk drivers and speeders killing others, including young children. The last thing desired is having someone live with knowing that a moment of lacking judgement puts them in jail for a lifetime... and living with the knowledge they killed someone (esp. a child).

Again, will readily admit in the past i was a speeder and have legal documentation proving that (including a suspended license for a period). Have never injured anyone, no accidents, not even hitting an animal during those moments of error in judgement. With age, and perhaps being penalized for my lack of judgement, am now sitting here hoping that this post will help even one person realize to take that type of driving to the track.

At the track you have various safety margins such as flag officials, a KNOWN surface in KNOWN condition, and other drivers who are fully aware of the situation around them. Children, animals, etc are not a factor (color me amazed about the deer in Canada and, furthermore, surprised they allowed COMSCC on the track until they were cleared away). In my neck of the woods we have animals from small chippies to turkeys, foxes, deer and bears crossing the road. Hitting an animal at legal speeds can cause a driver serious injury.

The faster you are driving the less chance you have to react according to the situation at hand. While this is also true at the track, there are medical personell standing by.

Please learn from my stupid mistakes of the past. It is less painful, and less expensive, for you. Please enhance your skill level at the track where it belongs. You could very well be the next Fangio, Senna or Schumacher! It would bring me joy seeing you win a major title, if that is your goal. The track is for honing your skills, public roads are more about social interaction.

It is because i care about YOU that am taking the time to post this. The life and liberty you save may be your own. If you get the chance, talk to a few professional trophy-winning drivers about the way the drive on public roads.
Enjoy the Track,

Steven R.

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Post by Tsurara » Mon Nov 20, 2006 12:10 am

enjoythemusic wrote: Words.
I think that he was kidding.
Charles K.
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