rajito wrote:You guys should stop bickering and settle it with a splendid little street race, 2F2F style - racing for pinks.

2F2F? Wow, i felt you DO NOT want to slide a car to achieve faster lap times. Hmm.. pink slips... do you realize a Formula Continental will be in my stable for choice of track vehicles?
chaos4NH, have been where you are. Please enjoy the car and only want the very best for you. The Mazda 3 should be a great car and may it bring you many years of driving bliss. Am sure it was fun going to 130mph, exciting...
My comments are out of care for your well being, and those of innocent drivers who share the public roads with you. Many of us have heard about drunk drivers and speeders killing others, including young children. The last thing desired is having someone live with knowing that a moment of lacking judgement puts them in jail for a lifetime... and living with the knowledge they killed someone (esp. a child).
Again, will readily admit in the past i was a speeder and have legal documentation proving that (including a suspended license for a period). Have never injured anyone, no accidents, not even hitting an animal during those moments of error in judgement. With age, and perhaps being penalized for my lack of judgement, am now sitting here hoping that this post will help even one person realize to take that type of driving to the track.
At the track you have various safety margins such as flag officials, a KNOWN surface in KNOWN condition, and other drivers who are fully aware of the situation around them. Children, animals, etc are not a factor (color me amazed about the deer in Canada and, furthermore, surprised they allowed COMSCC on the track until they were cleared away). In my neck of the woods we have animals from small chippies to turkeys, foxes, deer and bears crossing the road. Hitting an animal at legal speeds can cause a driver serious injury.
The faster you are driving the less chance you have to react according to the situation at hand. While this is also true at the track, there are medical personell standing by.
Please learn from my stupid mistakes of the past. It is less painful, and less expensive, for you. Please enhance your skill level at the track where it belongs. You could very well be the next Fangio, Senna or Schumacher! It would bring me joy seeing you win a major title, if that is your goal. The track is for honing your skills, public roads are more about social interaction.
It is because i care about YOU that am taking the time to post this. The life and liberty you save may be your own. If you get the chance, talk to a few professional trophy-winning drivers about the way the drive on public roads.