Thompson assistance - many thanks

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Fast Lapper
Fast Lapper
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Thompson assistance - many thanks

Post by SandyClam » Mon Jul 23, 2018 10:40 am

I juts wanted to drop a public note of thanks to a bunch of folks who lent me a hand over the past event. Rodney Carriere and Matt Daniels, for the lickety split loan/hijacking of Matt's truck, so that I could take my trailer and retrieve my stranded wife, daughter and disabled tow vehicle. Scott Rosnick for covering my Group 4 student session, Will for not firing me (yet) for having to leave mid-day, my students Nelson and Andrew for their flexibility, Chris Parsons for working me into the TT, and lastly, Poppa Swineheart for letting me drive his car after I lunched the motor in the Clam Shell on Sunday. And the group of guys who helped me push my car into the trailer on Saturday afternoon; that was great!

Weekends like this are what makes me happy to be a part of COM, very rarely would you find an organization where someone will loan you a tow vehicle, let you drive their race car on fresh rubber, and cover your student assignments when you have to leave in an emergency and blow up your POS race car.

Fast Lapper
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Re: Thompson assistance - many thanks

Post by mattd » Tue Jul 24, 2018 9:27 am

Dude - I know you would do it for me in a second, too!!

It was hilarious to come off the track and go "wow, that truck looks exactly like mine!"

You had a tough weekend, man - glad I could do something to make it a little easier (and thanks for the single malt!)
Matt Daniels
COM Instructor
#44 SE - 2001 small red convertible from Japan made by Mazda

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