NHMS 2: June 24-25 Event Info

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NHMS 2: June 24-25 Event Info

Post by TroyV » Sun Jun 18, 2017 1:33 pm

Hi you crazy kids!!

Here is the advance info for NHMS 2 (Chicane/Chicane):

- Track entry and camping will be allowed on Friday, June 23. Friday entry depends on previous group clearing the garages, but should be no later than 7:00 PM. Late entry to track will be allowed, sign in at gate. You may register at the Main gate from 6:00-8:00PM on Friday and 7:00-8:00AM on Saturday and 7:00-8:00AM Sunday. Tech Inspection will be from 7:10-8:10AM both Saturday and Sunday mornings.

- We will be running extended track time on Saturday for the return of our premier event!....The Relay Rally! All drivers who are safe to solo will be allowed to participate.

- There is a catered BBQ following the Relay Rally. Please contact our Registrar at comregistrar@comcast.net to have it added to your MSR account. It is a great deal at 15 dollars per person. THIS IS THE ONLY WAY TO GET INTO THE BBQ. Cash will not be accepted at the event. WEDNESDAY JUNE 21st is the deadline for signing up for the BBQ

- The restaurant will be open from 800AM to 200PM. PLEASE give corner workers priority!

- Gas pumps will be available to purchase at any time. Credit/debit cards ONLY.

- The fluid shed will be open at the times designated at the driver meeting.

- Parents are responsible for controlling their children. Unattended children (under age 16) are not allowed. This is a fast paced event and any violation of this rule creates a safety hazard. Violators will be asked to leave the premises. Members are responsible for the actions of their crew and guests.

- NO areas of the paddock and surrounding areas are to be used for brake bedding, suspension tuning, etc.

- Speed in the paddock area SLOW. If you have to ask what slow is, you’re probably going too fast.

- Minors (under age 16, not the coal digging kind) will not be allowed to ride bicycle, scooters, ATV's, etc. anytime during the hours the track is open (hot track).

- DO NOT park on the Middle garage side of the fence!!!! We pay for the North garage/paddock area. You will be asked to move if you park anywhere else.

- Again, camping is allowed and there is no charge. If you are camping at the track DO NOT run electric cords across areas where there is vehicle traffic.

- If you arrive in the evening after registration is closed, you may enter by signing in at the gate, you may occupy the garage if one has been pre-assigned to you. If you arrive after registration closes, please return to the registration window at 700AM on Saturday morning to get your registration packet.

- Trailer drop offs prior to the event are allowed, but please check at the gate for permission and location.

- Please leave garages CLEAN! Please, no fluids in the trash or batteries left behind.

- The MAX Sound limit for this venue is 98db.

If you have any questions, post them here or contact us through the COM Mobile in app messenger.
Troy Velazquez
#5 T50

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Re: NHMS 2: June 24-25 Event Info

Post by AndrewG » Thu Jun 29, 2017 4:17 pm

Thanks to everyone for another really great event!
I also wanted to say that as a member with a really long drive home, it was VERY nice to have trophy ceremony prior to having the open track time.

-Andrew, #626 T30 Miata

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