Ok, I'm not going to come straight out and say I detest this type of...um...sport, but c'mon! The course consisted of part of a banked oval, and a small infield course. Two cars would go, one would lead, and the other follows, and attepts to drift as closely and consistently to the car in front as possible. Then they are judged for points.
These guys were taking their jargin right out of the NASCAR marketing playbook.. "Well you know the Redbull snickers R34 Skyline performed well above expectations, and the new doritos high back wing we installed was great etc...
Call me old fashioned, but it is seems so rediculously wasteful to shred a pair of brand new tires in three drifting runs. Especially when tires cost so much for the rest of us non sponsored folks..
Yes I was annoyed, but I had to watch it. One of the guys in a Viper had four pairs of tires changed before the event was done.

Sorry... had to rant a little..