2014 Competition Update

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2014 Competition Update

Post by blindsidefive0 » Thu Aug 28, 2014 9:42 am

COM 2014 Competitive Update - cross posted from Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/COMSCC


The COMSCC season is nearing it's home stretch, with 5 events in the books and just 3 events left. We've seen several great battles at individual events, and things are heating up for several Annual Awards, Class Championships, and Overall Driver Champion. Registration for Watkins Glen (9/8-9/9) has been extended to September 1st. Also, registration for both Thompson and NH-South Oval is already open! If you are mentioned in the write-up below (or if you're pissed because you aren't mentioned), and you aren't signed up...you're doing it wrong. Watkins Glen is a club favorite, and it's the only circuit on the 2014 scheduled that is a dedicated, fully purpose-built road course. Sign-up, do it:


Here are some highlights from each event in 2014:

May 9th - New Hampshire Motor Speedway - 1 (Chicane/Chicane)

* Super Classes! The new classes were won by Charles King (SA), Marc Fuchswanz (SB - Mike Foosh got 2nd), Will Martins (SC), and John Spain (SD - with a borrowed car)
* Scott Rosnick takes a decisive win in T40 to start the season in a new class
* Laura Flemming (T90) took FTD (her 2nd FTD, including NH2 last year in the wet)
* Chad Fox (T50) took the first event of the year over Drivers' Champions from the past 3 years
* Howard Roundy (T60) lays down a 4+s victory
* Nick Fontana, bumped out of T60, is now at the top of T70, getting his first win in the new class
* John Riopel (T30), edges out the class with a 1:28-flat

June 1st - New Hampshire Motor Speedway - 2 (South Oval)

* Stephen Hosker begins his T30 campaign with a solid win
* T40 gets mixed up with Derek Tangard (1st) and Paul Giurlando (2nd) taking the top 2 spots with T40 new comer Scott Rosnick (3rd) rounding out the podium
* Chad Fox and Jeff Wasilko finish within 2 tenths of each other, with Chad getting the win in T50; former ST4 heavyweight (and supercharged Cobra driver) Troy Velazquez took 3rd in his new NC MX-5
* Nick DeRosa and Darius Trinka debut in T80, taking 1st and 2nd, respectively; Chris Parsons (3rd) suffered post-TT car issues, sidelining him for the next 3 events
* Laura Flemming smokes T90, laying down a 1:10!
* Mike edges out Marc in SA by 4 hundredths, with Nick Coutu taking SB (beautiful Cayman), Will Martins winning his 2nd in a row in SC, and Dan Darcy taking SD in his Lotus (well, one of his Lotuses...Loti...whatever)

July 7th - New Hampshire Motor Speedway - 3 (Chicane/Chicane)

* Bruce Allen dusts off his Formula SCCA racer for a victory and FTD in Super Unlimited
* Charles King (SA), Marc Fuchswanz (SB), Will Martins (SC), and John Spain (SD) each rack up another victory to round out the Super Classes
* Did we mention Bob Cairns is sweeping T100?
* Laura (T90) and Howard (T60) continue their perfect seasons
* T50 - Dave Wittmer (2nd) makes a strong comeback (missed NH2) by virtually tying Jeff Wasilko (1st)
* In T40 both Tangard and Rosnick finish in the 1:24's, with Rosnick getting the victory
* Hosker gets the better of Riopel when the 2 of them face off for the first time this season in T30

July 29th - Thompson Speedway Motorsports Park - 1

* An "away" event at a "new" track! Note - away event bonus points do not apply to TSMP
* Fuchswanz's For The Win! Michael (SA), Marc (SB), and Sarah (T60) all won their respective classes...and Marc took FTD!
* Classic 2-driver duel in SC with Will Martins just edging out friend and long-time Miata competitor Gordon Andrade
* Mick Demopoulous (2nd) and Marc Epstein (3rd) used to have epic battles in SPC, and they were able to meet again in T80 - Nick Derosa got the official victory, but COM-newcomer Darius Trinka had the fastest overall time (DQ)
* With the protest in the rear-view mirror, Jeff Wasilko took his 2nd straight win - of note was Dave David Lemoine who is figuring out his new 328is; he set a flying lap during open track
* Robert Ready, former SSC superstar, put the smack-down on T40, not by margin of victory, but in a 45 point car... Also, Julie Wasilko (3rd) earned a solid podium finish from the "student" group.
* Riopel (1st) and Hosker (2nd) continue their T30 feud
* Bob Brooks capitalized (T90, 1st place) while Laura Flemming had mechanical issues
* After TSMP, only Bob Cairns (T100) has a perfect season still intact

August 19th - Pocono (Southeast Option 3)

* Not a catchy name, but a great configuration and lots of action points-wise
* King (SA) and Spain (SD) added to their win totals while Cassie Johnston (SB) and Gordon Andrade (SC) won their first events of the season
* Mick D. (T80) earned his first win of the season
* Bob Cairns (T100) continues his perfect season, finishing with the 2nd Fastest Time of the Day (1st FTD was Butch)
* Dave Lemoine arrives with a strong 2nd place finish with Fox getting his 3rd victory of the season
* In T40, Nate Hine dusted off the Miata for the win, with Julie Wasilko finishing strong in 2nd place over Mark Swinehart (3rd) and Rebecca Harvey (4th), who both put down solid laps

Class Championship Season Standings Highlights - at least 4 classes will almost certainly come down to the wire with over half of the classes where there is no dominating "favorite"

Super Unlimited
The club needs more Formula cars...Charley Farley?

Super A
Charles "Butch" King keeps racking up victories with the Fuchswanz's flopping between classes each weekend, but don't count out Dana Johnston (even if he is competing in a SB car)

Super B
One of the Fuchswanz vettes will probably end up on top, but you never know - Cassie had a nice TT at Pocono, and you have to show up to win

Super C
It looks like Gordon is "back" after a great TT in Pocono, but Chief Instructor Will Martins holds a strong lead in the standings; nevertheless, I'd guess we're in for 3 good battles to close out 2014

Super D
Club President John Spain is doing a nice job putting together a season with 3 different cars thusfar
Greg Hosselbarth could always show up and make waves at any track

Bob Cairns could have a perfect season...low attendance or not, still impressive

There is no limit to her sandbagging...Laura Flemming, with a near perfect season, is hoping for a strong result at Watkins Glen
Bob Brooks is quietly churning out a solid season, cleanly in 2nd place among a huge field of competitors

New school/old school - Michael Demopoulos tied for the T80 lead with his laps at Pocono, but Nick DeRosa is very fast at Watkins Glen; Darius in his Z could also mix things up at any of the final 3 events
Do not forget about 2013 Class Champion Chris Parsons; his car is coming together, and he can compete at any track

While Nick Fontana looks to seal the Class Championship with a good result at Watkins Glen, DJ McArdle, Jon Cowen, and new-COMSCC member Stephen Tise Jr. could knock him off at one of the final events

Howard Roundy has all but wrapped up T60 and the British Cup, but Sarah Fuchswanz (1st at TSMP-1), Roe Cole, and Chief of Operations Sam Webster could mix things up at any given event

At least half a dozen drivers compete hard in this class each week, but Chad Fox and Jeff Wasilko (only 4 points apart) have pulled a 15+ point lead over 3rd place Dave Wittmer and 4th place Dave Lemoine
Don't expect either of the Dave's, nor Troy Velasquez (5th in standings), to give up without a fight - with his setup dialed-in, Lemoine could really do some damage in the last few events, and let's not forget about the 2012 and 2013 Drivers' Champion...or Troy!

Perhaps the coolest battle in COM is between Derek Tangard and Scott Rosnick, Rosnick with the 2 point edge going into Watkins Glen
In addition to Derek and Scott mixing it up, 3rd place Mark Swinehart as well as Julie Wasilko, Paul G., Rebecca Harvey, and Nate Hine could make the last few events very challenging to close out the T40 Class Championship

Hosker and Riopel are putting on the quietest show in COM, but after his win at Pocono, Hosker has a 13 point lead with 3 events remaining
Don't be surprised if 2013 T30 Class Champion Peter Perault or long-time friend of COMSCC Barry Gammon get in the mix

Overall Drivers' Champion Standings

Chad Fox - 59.4
Bob Cairns - 58.2*
Laura Flemming - 56.0
Howard Roundy - 56.0
Jeff Wasilko - 55.4
Nick Fontana - 51.2
Stephen Hosker - 50.6

*T100 may not meet attendance requirements to qualify for Drivers' Championship

There are 7 competitors within 9 points for the 2014 Drivers' Champion. Since there are no "drops" in the Drivers' Championship, literally anything can happen. Also of note, there are 3 points-based Annual Awards that are at-stake, including the British Cup, American Iron, and Miata Cup. So far it looks like Howard Roundy, Bob Cairns, and Jeff Wasilko are the respective leaders. However, Laura is right on Bob's heels for the American Iron Award, and Stephen Hosker is not far behind Jeff Wasilko for the coveted Miata Cup (complete with the Miata Tiara!).

So what's next...
We have 3 more events, each at a different track requiring a particular set of skills/car setup. A lot can happen over 3 events (35 points are at stake), especially with 3 different tracks.

* Watkins Glen International - the highlight of the season for some, a challenge for everyone. Motor is certainly an advantage, but having the precision at high-speeds to carry insane speed through each sweeper is king (as is aero). Fun, fast, beautiful, and demanding - sign-up.

* Thompson Speedway Motorsports Park (registration is open NOW!) - the club was pleasantly surprised with the nice flow of this roval that feels more like a road course with an oval turn rather than the other way around. Very technical track, momentum friendly, with an awesome complex that finishes with a partially-blind high-speed kink onto a long front straight.

* New Hampshire Motor Speedway - South Oval - 2014 concludes at our Home Track, with the South Oval configuration. If you are in the hunt, and you don't show up to this event (often the best NH event each year), there's something wrong with you.

We look forward to seeing you at the track!
Last edited by blindsidefive0 on Fri Aug 29, 2014 11:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
- Nick

1999 Mazda Miata - T50
FS: 1997 Green BMW M3 - T80/SC
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Re: 2014 Competition Update

Post by SEISAN » Thu Aug 28, 2014 7:22 pm


An absolute great update on how the season is going.

Thanks for putting in a lot of time to do this.

I think everybody in the club will agree, a great article and it is exciting to read.

Shake n Bake


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Re: 2014 Competition Update

Post by iamrazor » Fri Aug 29, 2014 8:15 am

You have my vote for post of the year! An excellent read for sure.

(brent rambo also approves)
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Re: 2014 Competition Update

Post by miatapeter » Fri Aug 29, 2014 11:48 am

Great write up Nick!!
It's been a great season.

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Re: 2014 Competition Update

Post by blazer178 » Fri Aug 29, 2014 1:35 pm

Thanks for the great up date and hope it goes great for the rest of the year for everyone

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