
Questions, comments, and discussions concerning COMSCC rules.

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Re: Helmets

Post by 6PAK72 » Thu Jun 23, 2011 9:26 am


I used to race bikes. We used to say "Got a ten-dollar head, get a ten-dollar helmet..."

Image below shows why you really should consider finding the highest-effectiveness helmet you possibly can. In the rollover crash at New Hampshire in April with COM, the roof collapsed and my helmet took the blow, and the HANS I was wearing took the load off my neck onto my shoulder blades. I'm reasonably convinced I would have broken my neck had I not been wearing good, and yes, costly, safety gear.

And yes, I've replaced the helmet.

That said, don't be put off - the crash was caused by an incredibly unusual mechanical failure. COM is the safest group on the tracks. It's just an awareness that no matter how cautious, aware and respectful you are on the track, stuff happens.

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Re: Helmets

Post by turtlevette » Sat May 19, 2012 12:46 pm

The below is from the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Racetrack Regulations Chapter 62 of NJ law. Apparently the state regulates and mandates private racing! ??

They allow a M rated helmet when fire ratings are not required at events. Would our event require a fire rating? We always allow M helmets. This language is somewhat vague.

§ 13:62-3.6 Helmets and eye protection
(a) All drivers shall wear a properly secured, full face
helmet, with face shield, which meets or exceeds Snell
Memorial Foundation Testing Standards M or SA, incorporated
by reference herein, as may be amended and supplemented,
which has not reached the expiration date established by the
Snell Memorial Foundation at the time of the event. The
standards are available from the Snell Memorial Foundation,
3628 Madison Avenue, Suite 11, North Highlands, CA 95660.
A Nomex, or similar fire-resistant head sock is recommended to
be worn in conjunction with the use of the full face helmet with
shield. The use of open face helmets and goggles shall be
(b) "M" (Motorcycle) Snell rated helmets may be used in
all motorcycle events and automobile events where fire ratings
are not required.
(c) "SA" (Auto Special Application) Snell fire-rated
helmets shall be used in all other applications.
(d) Helmets shall not be required under certain instructional
and guided tour events where the maximum speed on the track
shall not exceed 55 miles per hour.
(e) All helmets used by riders on motorcycles and open air
race cars shall be full-faced and shall be worn with the visor in
the closed position while on the track, the above rating and
standards not withstanding.

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