Marcus, the Formula Ford has been classed as FP for over 10 years.
I first ran with COM in 1973, and I believe the rule change was done because of my car and a particularly irate individual in the PA class. It didn't seem to matter that there were people who could beat me every time they came to the track. So I'm missing the point. What is it that's better about the last 10 years then the previous 30?
If you look at the track records that were posted on page 2 of this thread you can see the gap between a Club Ford and an Atlantic is greater then the total difference to the slowest car. We have 3 classes for the smaller difference. It is not an issue of choosing an uncompetitive car, or even an out-classed car - it is now out classed by more then any other car in COM which got bumped three classes.
Let's post some more lap records, I think the NHMS chicane-chicane is the only case were it looks that good. On any other course in the country it will be a bigger difference.
My opinion is that the rule change discouraged myself and other Club Fords from coming to our events. Also that that is a loss to our club in the sense that if we are about driving - the entry level formula cars are the cheapest and most "drivable" vehicles at our events.
My second and really major concern is that we are telling people to modify these cars. I don't think a major power boost is the greatest idea for these things. They were designed to a formula. It would be cheaper to double the power in this car then rebuild the motor. Since it looks like I may need to do this - maybe I shouldn't explain all the ways this can go wrong. These cars have nothing like the safety margins of the other cars at COM...
"Sure it will be fine, the motor used to bolt to the rollbar brace but now it's on this tube over here! Don't worry about that rear suspension it bolts to this other thing over here now!". It's one thing when you have a race car designer build these cars, it's another thing when every body completely changes them.
I don't object to having fun modifying these, I object to making every single person feel like they have to go out on a limb to drive a $3500 car that can get FTD...