Share ride to/at Summit Point?

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Fast Lapper
Fast Lapper
Posts: 36
Joined: Mon Oct 31, 2005 3:33 pm

Share ride to/at Summit Point?

Post by alisonnic » Sun Sep 17, 2006 10:06 am

I'd like to share a ride to and at Shenandoah. It's a long drive to West Virginia from New England!

I'd be glad to share the driving duties down and back, and split the cost of fuel for the trip and at the track, in exchange for being able to share your car on the track for the upcoming COM event. I'll also chip in a little extra to help cover the cost of tire and brake wear.

And, if you're interested, I'll be glad to ride with you and have you ride with me, in hopes that exchanging information and experience will help us both improve as drivers. I'm an instructor, so I can run with Group 0 and in other groups as necessary, so we'll both be able to get all the track time we should.

If you're interested - or if you know someone who might be - please contact me at: or


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