NHMS 1: May 11-12, 2018 Event Info

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NHMS 1: May 11-12, 2018 Event Info

Post by TroyV » Fri May 04, 2018 10:28 am

Hi Folks,

Here is the advance info for NHMS 1:

- We will be running the chicane/chicane configuration

- Track entry and camping will be allowed on Thursday, May 10. Thursday entry depends on previous group clearing the garages, assuming there is a group, but should be no later than 7:00 PM. Late entry to track will be allowed, sign in at gate. Registration will be open from 6:00-8:00 PM on Thursday, 7:00-8:00 AM on Friday, 7:00-8:00 AM Saturday. Tech Inspection will be from 7:10-8:10 AM both Friday and Saturday mornings.

- The restaurant will be open from 800AM to 200PM. If you see a staff worker in line for lunch, please escort them to the front of the line.

- Gas at the pumps will be available to purchase at any time with your credit/debit card.

- The fluid shed will be open at the times designated at the driver meeting.

- Unattended children (under age 16) are not allowed as it is a fast paced event and movement around the paddock can be a safety hazard. Members are responsible for the actions of their crew and guests.

- Please only use your time on track for bedding of brakes, and no other areas of the property. Performing unsafe maneuvers in the paddock, parking, or access road areas is a no no and will be met with the swift strong arm of justice.

- Speed in the paddock area SLOW. If you have to ask what slow is, you’re probably going too fast.

- Minors (under age 16) will not be allowed to ride bicycle, scooters, ATV's, etc. anytime during the hours the track is open (hot track).

- Please do not park on the Middle garage side of the fence!!!! We pay for the North garage/paddock area. You will be asked to move if you park anywhere else.

- Again, camping is allowed and there is no charge. If you are camping at the track, please do not run electric cords across areas where there is vehicle traffic.

- If you arrive in the evening after registration is closed, you may enter by signing in at the gate, you may occupy the garage if one has been pre-assigned to you. If you arrive after registration closes, please return to the registration window in the morning to get your registration packet.

- Trailer drop offs prior to the event are allowed, but please check at the gate for permission and location.

- Please leave garages CLEAN! Please, no fluids in the trash or batteries left behind.

- Please TURN ON your push notifications as we will be using the mobile app to push out schedule changes. Also, please feel free to use the in app messenger to contact other members at the event, or to communicate with the leadership.

- If you have any questions, please post to the forum thread, or use the mobile app messenger to contact a member of the leadership.
Troy Velazquez
#5 T50

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