
Questions, comments, and discussions concerning COMSCC rules.

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Post by Subw00er » Sun Jun 04, 2006 10:25 pm

I was wondering how COM handles tires that are almost worn. My tires are just at the wear bars now and I am considering going to one more track event before replacing them. Is this ok? The rules state:

"Higher than normal inflation pressures are recommended for competition. Consult an Instructor if you have any questions. No cuts, bruises, ply separations, or body rubbing on the sidewalls are allowed. RECAPS ARE NOT ALLOWED. " I assume I wont have an issue, but wanted to ask here to be sure. BTW, generally, I come back with more rubber than when I get to an event! A big thanks to all of you race compound guys! :) Oh, I am in SSU, if this matters.

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Re: Tires

Post by offcamber09 » Mon Jun 05, 2006 10:01 am

Subw00er wrote:I was wondering how COM handles tires that are almost worn. My tires are just at the wear bars now and I am considering going to one more track event before replacing them. Is this ok? The rules state:

"Higher than normal inflation pressures are recommended for competition. Consult an Instructor if you have any questions. No cuts, bruises, ply separations, or body rubbing on the sidewalls are allowed. RECAPS ARE NOT ALLOWED. " I assume I wont have an issue, but wanted to ask here to be sure. BTW, generally, I come back with more rubber than when I get to an event! A big thanks to all of you race compound guys! :) Oh, I am in SSU, if this matters.
Wear bars are molded in at 2/32". Brand new treaded competition tires are generally shaved to 4/32". Brand new street tires are 10/32". You are all set as long as there is no cord showing through.
Scott Rosnick
#09 BMW 318ti-6

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Post by Crusin » Mon Jun 05, 2006 11:45 am

Hi Scott

You are a tire (not tiring) guy, how long would these tires last on a track? I guess the question might be, how long before he cords them? NHIS is tough on tires with the quick, tight turns. Mosport is much easier, but there is a potential for a lot of track miles. Would be a bad thing to lose track time due to corded tires.


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Post by timmmy » Mon Jun 05, 2006 7:32 pm

mmmmmmMosport = 500 track miles :) (if you guys are lucky), wish I was going.

I would make sure you have a spare set in case you wear those out.

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Post by offcamber09 » Mon Jun 05, 2006 8:43 pm

Crusin wrote:Hi Scott

You are a tire (not tiring) guy, how long would these tires last on a track? I guess the question might be, how long before he cords them? NHIS is tough on tires with the quick, tight turns. Mosport is much easier, but there is a potential for a lot of track miles. Would be a bad thing to lose track time due to corded tires.

Lee, lots to consider when putting a mileage "warranty" on theses tires:

We were told it's an SSU car. This tells me it's a high hp car without the provision for enough negative camber- most likely. Factory camber adjustments are usually insufficient for track use. Next I need to know how experienced the driver is. Will the car be pushed to 9 and 10 tenths most of the day? Are we talking about z rated street tires or intermediate tires like Michelin Sport Cups or are they all out d.o.t. race rubber? Bottom line is I wouldn't travel 580 miles each way with only 1 set of tires in any condition. I'm always just a toe-nails worth of brake pressure away from locking them up and cording a tire. If I was going to Mosport I would be bringing: 8 mounted dry tires, 4 mounted rains and 1 extra dry tire unmounted.

yawn, getting tired.

Hope you all have a safe and fun trip- I am really bummed that I won't be coming. But at least the track will be a little quieter without me.
Scott Rosnick
#09 BMW 318ti-6


Post by TTA89 » Mon Jun 05, 2006 9:41 pm

offcamber09 wrote:
Hope you all have a safe and fun trip- I am really bummed that I won't be coming. But at least the track will be a little quieter without me.
Booo :( Actually I broke my car, I'm hoping I can still go. :oops:

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Post by offcamber09 » Mon Jun 05, 2006 9:47 pm

TTA89 wrote:
offcamber09 wrote:
Hope you all have a safe and fun trip- I am really bummed that I won't be coming. But at least the track will be a little quieter without me.
Booo :( Actually I broke my car, I'm hoping I can still go. :oops:
Mike, what broke ? Let me know if I can help.
Scott Rosnick
#09 BMW 318ti-6


Post by TTA89 » Mon Jun 05, 2006 10:31 pm

Stripped a rear wheel stud swapping wheels at an Auto X this weekend, it stripped coming off or attempting to come off. Couldn't get the lug off, wheel stuck on the car. We ended up having to put a piece of bar stock between the rotor hub and wheel and use a pry bar to put pressure on the nut with the wheel and finally after an hour with the impact it came off.

Went to put the new stud in and the old stud ended up turning in the hub assembly and elongated the hole so the stud won't stay.

Long story short I need to replace the hub assembly (IRS Car). The Hub is press fit into the knuckle so I need a press, need to find a hub... etc etc. Not to mention the list of other crap that needs to get done before mosport...

I should be ok but will be cutting it close. Need to change the oil in the truck, trailer lights need to be rewired.. Gotta pad the rollbar, change the pads and fluid in the car, get the ducts hooked up, change the diff and trans fluid and on and on.... :roll:

I love driving cars but working on them is for the birds... I freakin HATE it. I'd rather go to work than work on my car. :evil:

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Post by offcamber09 » Mon Jun 05, 2006 10:54 pm

TTA89 wrote:Stripped a rear wheel stud swapping wheels at an Auto X this weekend, it stripped coming off or attempting to come off. Couldn't get the lug off, wheel stuck on the car. We ended up having to put a piece of bar stock between the rotor hub and wheel and use a pry bar to put pressure on the nut with the wheel and finally after an hour with the impact it came off.

Went to put the new stud in and the old stud ended up turning in the hub assembly and elongated the hole so the stud won't stay.

Long story short I need to replace the hub assembly (IRS Car). The Hub is press fit into the knuckle so I need a press, need to find a hub... etc etc. Not to mention the list of other crap that needs to get done before mosport...

I should be ok but will be cutting it close. Need to change the oil in the truck, trailer lights need to be rewired.. Gotta pad the rollbar, change the pads and fluid in the car, get the ducts hooked up, change the diff and trans fluid and on and on.... :roll:

I love driving cars but working on them is for the birds... I freakin HATE it. I'd rather go to work than work on my car. :evil:
Mike is the hub steel or aluminum ? You could weld the stud to the back of the hub if it's steel. When I use extra long studs, I usually press them in then tack them from behind. Alternate method may be a stud with a slightly larger knurl to it. Sometimes I find the 1/2-20 Mustang studs come with larger knurls (Morosso ?). Might save you pulling the knuckle off.
Scott Rosnick
#09 BMW 318ti-6


Post by TTA89 » Tue Jun 06, 2006 10:26 am

Not sure, I haven't looked that close at it.

luckily one of the guys I Auto X with has an extra hub with wheel studs ready to go. He has the tools I need to get the knuckle off, I'm gonna pull it tonight and give it to him tomorrow. He has a press at home and will put the new hub on for me and I should be good on Thursday.

Crossing my fingers....

Hope I can finish the rest of this stuff!

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Post by JackFFR1846 » Thu Jun 08, 2006 9:49 am

Just bring some spares on wheels in your trunk. Check the tires after each session on the track. Street tires on the wearbars will go for a while but how long depends on a lot of factors. If it's dry, you'll be fine. If it's wet.....find some rain tires. The age of the tires have a lot to do with how well they're going to stick as well.

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Post by Subw00er » Sun Jun 11, 2006 9:06 pm

Thanks for the replies everyone.

Unfortuntely, I am not set up to bring extra sets of tires/rims. I have been thinking about doing this, but they are very expensive for the vette and actually getting them to the track is an entirely secondary problem. The car is a '04 vette z06 and I drive the car to events. My next event is the PCA WGI event (had to find another club since we're not going this year). Thats a couple hours from me, and I think the tires will make it ok. Actually the last time I came back from WGI I left with more rubber than when I came. I dont know if its a DOT tire vs race rubber thing, but I pick up a full layer of race compound after 15 laps or so. Its usually 60% gone as it flaps off on the wy home, and then the rest of it which is stuck in the grooves takes a month to wear off. Kind of funny.

Camber is stock (as is the rest of the car).

I drive at 7/10ths of my car's ability and when I feel the tires scrubbing (Like coming up the heel at WGI), I back off. This is my daily driver so I inject more of a safety barrier than most I'm guessing. I think they will last one more event so I'll take it to WGI and then replace them after.

On side note anyone know if these tires are any good?They are $500 CHEAPER than my stock Goodyear Eagle F1 Supercars. The reviews look promising.. ... =2&index=2


Thanks again..

offcamber09 wrote:
Crusin wrote:Hi Scott

You are a tire (not tiring) guy, how long would these tires last on a track? I guess the question might be, how long before he cords them? NHIS is tough on tires with the quick, tight turns. Mosport is much easier, but there is a potential for a lot of track miles. Would be a bad thing to lose track time due to corded tires.

Lee, lots to consider when putting a mileage "warranty" on theses tires:

We were told it's an SSU car. This tells me it's a high hp car without the provision for enough negative camber- most likely. Factory camber adjustments are usually insufficient for track use. Next I need to know how experienced the driver is. Will the car be pushed to 9 and 10 tenths most of the day? Are we talking about z rated street tires or intermediate tires like Michelin Sport Cups or are they all out d.o.t. race rubber? Bottom line is I wouldn't travel 580 miles each way with only 1 set of tires in any condition. I'm always just a toe-nails worth of brake pressure away from locking them up and cording a tire. If I was going to Mosport I would be bringing: 8 mounted dry tires, 4 mounted rains and 1 extra dry tire unmounted.

yawn, getting tired.

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Post by offcamber09 » Sun Jun 11, 2006 10:46 pm

I am a Firestone dealer, but the wide oval is too new for me to comment with any knowledge. I will say that Firestone, after the bull*hit that Ford created and blamed on them has been producing a very good product. Getting the paying public to believe is another story- thus the lower price. I have been very impressed with the Eagle F1 on the Corvettes. The combination of street and track use is, in my opinion, unmatched. This is coming from anything but a Goodyear guy. I had a student last year with the F1s and a c5 Corvette. He pounded on those tires at 9/10 all day- I took a look at them at the end of the day and they were worn evenly with plenty of tread remaining- very impressive, but expenssive.
Scott Rosnick
#09 BMW 318ti-6

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