Thanks for the replies everyone.
Unfortuntely, I am not set up to bring extra sets of tires/rims. I have been thinking about doing this, but they are very expensive for the vette and actually getting them to the track is an entirely secondary problem. The car is a '04 vette z06 and I drive the car to events. My next event is the PCA WGI event (had to find another club since we're not going this year). Thats a couple hours from me, and I think the tires will make it ok. Actually the last time I came back from WGI I left with more rubber than when I came. I dont know if its a DOT tire vs race rubber thing, but I pick up a full layer of race compound after 15 laps or so. Its usually 60% gone as it flaps off on the wy home, and then the rest of it which is stuck in the grooves takes a month to wear off. Kind of funny.
Camber is stock (as is the rest of the car).
I drive at 7/10ths of my car's ability and when I feel the tires scrubbing (Like coming up the heel at WGI), I back off. This is my daily driver so I inject more of a safety barrier than most I'm guessing. I think they will last one more event so I'll take it to WGI and then replace them after.
On side note anyone know if these tires are any good?They are $500 CHEAPER than my stock Goodyear Eagle F1 Supercars. The reviews look promising.. ... =2&index=2
Thanks again..
offcamber09 wrote:Crusin wrote:Hi Scott
You are a tire (not tiring) guy, how long would these tires last on a track? I guess the question might be, how long before he cords them? NHIS is tough on tires with the quick, tight turns. Mosport is much easier, but there is a potential for a lot of track miles. Would be a bad thing to lose track time due to corded tires.
Lee, lots to consider when putting a mileage "warranty" on theses tires:
We were told it's an SSU car. This tells me it's a high hp car without the provision for enough negative camber- most likely. Factory camber adjustments are usually insufficient for track use. Next I need to know how experienced the driver is. Will the car be pushed to 9 and 10 tenths most of the day? Are we talking about z rated street tires or intermediate tires like Michelin Sport Cups or are they all out d.o.t. race rubber? Bottom line is I wouldn't travel 580 miles each way with only 1 set of tires in any condition. I'm always just a toe-nails worth of brake pressure away from locking them up and cording a tire. If I was going to Mosport I would be bringing: 8 mounted dry tires, 4 mounted rains and 1 extra dry tire unmounted.
yawn, getting tired.